26A – Celebrating Failure

In this exercise, bare your soul.
1) Tell us about a time this past semester that you failed -- whether in this class or outside of this class. Don't spare any details! It'd be even better if there was something you tried several times this semester and failed each time. 
I tried several times this semester to teach my puppy tricks. Like paw, roll over etc. The classics. I started when he was very young but stopped because I got busy with school and work. He turns 1 on Friday so I thought I could give it another try before his 1st birthday. So this past couple of months I have tried with treats and watching videos but it isn't going through. Also, it doesn't help that his breed is known for being stubborn and hard to train if not done thoroughly. 
2) Tell us what you learned from it.  
He has picked up a few things, what I learned is that if I had wanted him to be completely rained properly I should've stuck to it when he was younger or taken him to a trainer so they could work with him and the burden wouldn't fall onto me. But also that I just need to dedicate myself and I could've done it because I dedicated myself entirely fo potty training and he is good at it! 
3) Reflect, in general, on what you think about failure. Failure is hard, isn't it? It's embarrassing, sure, but it also means that we have to change something about ourselves. Talk about how you handle failure (emotionally, behaviorally). Finally, talk about how this class has changed your perspective on failure -- are you more likely to take a risk now than you were just a few months ago?

Failure is hard and I don't think I ever fully learned how to process it properly. These small failures, I a handle like losing a soccer game or something like that but when I had to change my major because I couldn't pass a math class that was something I couldn't process very well. This class has changed my perspective, I don't think I would ever be inclined to take a risk in anything. It just isn't who I am in nature. 
