20A – Growing Your Social Capital

How to write up this post. Break up your post into three parts, one for each person. For each person, describe:
1) Who they are and what their background is. 
The three people I selected are my sister because she worked with clean energy for a consulting firm and would now how to make this the most economically affordable and still hold up to the name of being 100% sustainable. the second person is my Uncle Nico because he has worked at Disney for a number of years and is actually in charge of all the festivals at Epcot for example The Food and Wine, Garden and butterfly other event that pertain to the food industry and mass production so he would have insight on the food aspect. And finally my Father since he is a realtor back home so he is familiar with land and land costs as well as construction etc. also Realtors have really good connections so i am sure he probably knows some of the farmers and artisan workers who would be interested in this venture if i were ever to make it a reality. 

2) Which 'slot' you are filling with each person (i.e., domain expert, market expert, supplier), and how the person fills the spot.
Amanda (my sister) -  Domain and Market expert - she understands the domain as she is older and has several friends who are successful entrepreneurs, and the market because she is currently working in finance and has her background in clean energy and what is viable and feasible for Florida
Nico (my uncle) - Market and Supplier - Market because he has the experience with the foo and beverage industry to understand and help guide me into being successful not just with customers but with my staff and those who are important aspects of a business and supplier because I am sure he works with them at Disney and give insight that way as well. 
Dad- Domain - another that he has been around for a while and is a well versed man so he knows the way the world works so he probably can give insight on everything and especially property right etc everything you need to get a restaurant running etc and giving me connections with locals back home to make this a success. 
3) A description of how you found the person and contacted the person.
I face timed all three as they are relatives who I am very close with. 

4) The nature of the exchange you have with the person -- what favor did they do for you? What is the return expectation? 
They did me the favor of speaking to me for several minutes pertaining to their knowledge and expertise as well as insight into my businesses venture. There was nothing expected in return because we don't live in a mafia movie and they are my family lol. 

5) How will including this person in your network enhance your ability to exploit an opportunity?
i don't like the word exploit, these people who i have "added" to my network can ASSIST my opportunity because they will most likely give me tips and truly help me find my footing and possible investors if this were to become true. 
Finally: Reflect. This experience requires you to do a little 'targeted networking.' How will this experience shape how you participate in any future networking events? Did this experience differ from your networking experiences in the past? How?

My networking from the past has been semi casual while I joined a club or was introduced to affluentl people casually. So it didn't differ other than the fact i have know the people i chose since literally the day i was born. 
