23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

  • Generate a list of all of the resources in your venture (produce a list of at least 10 resources that you already possess). This can include your human capital, social capital, financial capital, and capabilities. 
1.  level-headed: I won't let emotions overcome me, not everyone can remain calm in times of chaos, it isn't hard to be copied if they already possess it, no there are not because it is a mental capacity 

2.  a strong network: have people support me and help me stabilize my venture, not everyone has the chance to create networks with affluent people, people can easily copy and improve their network, no networks are networks; you are either connected or you are not. 

3.  experience in working within a food industry: yes its valuable  because I will understand my employees and try not to be unfair to them, no I feel like especially in this day and age almost everyone worked in a service industry, goes hand in hand with the previous one, no you either worked with food or u didn't. 

4.  background experience within the sustainability sector: it is my major soi can have the best interests of the planet in mind, not rare there can be other majors that play a part in sustainability or people who dedicate their entire lives to it, yes it is inimitable easily, yes I don't need a major but you do need experience

5.  strong support of a town if I do so back home: you will have a constant patron flow, yes because if you lived in. a large city like Miami or NYC you could get maybe a steady flow from the block or whatever but never citywide from the get-go, very difficult if ur from a big city

6.  great opportunities to discuss with experts at UF: top 10 public institutions, not everyone gets into UF, semi-hard because you can go to Harvard or another school and get similar chances, yeah getting a job/internship with other experts similar to the ones at UF. 

7.  a weekly farmers market where I can talk first hand to have that farm to food aspect: easy access, not rare anyone can do it, easy to imitate, yeah you can actually know the farmers on a personal note and check out their farms first hand. 

8.  NASA has one of the most advanced water treatment programs so accessible to that to reach out potentially: yes because its NASA, very there is literally only one NASA company, not easily substituted.

9.  Potential investors (my family) if I could create a solid business plan and try to execute after graduation: yes, money runs the world, not all entrepreneurs have their parents money/investors to back them, not very hard especially if you come from money, yeah if you work hard and do it yourself will take longer

10. being a millennial and endless access to social media etc. to get the word out there: 
valuable, rare, inimitable (how hard it is to copy by others), and non-substitutable (are there other resources that can provide the same benefits?). 

  • After conducting the VRIN analysis, determine what your top resource is. Explain why it's more important to your venture than all of the other resources. 
the top one would be #6 because being here at UF is a once in a lifetime experience where I will have the time and easy access to some of the brightest minds and experts in the field!
