16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.What is it about you, exactly, that makes you different? Write this up in a detailed list. 
Five ways that make my human capital truly unique is;
1. I am the "baby" of the family and you often hear about the stigma or stereotype of how the youngest of the sibling's acts. I have tried very hard to overcome that and change myself to not be the negative connotations to that title of being the baby.
2. I am very very strong-willed, not sure if that can be perceived as a positive or mostly a negative (to my mom it is a BIG negative lol)
3. I can articulate my thoughts well and always have. Weirdly I have always been better talking to adults, they would be shocked at how well I spoke but to my classmates, many perceived me as ditzy when I spoke to them.
4. My brother likes to call me emotionless because I try to refrain from showing emotions to many people, not that I consider it weak ( he is very emotional) but because I consider it private and would prefer to do it by myself or those closest. So I am often the voice of reason for my friends.
5. I am creative in the sense of being a quick thinker like if we had a plan set out and something happened I would be able to think of a solution rather quickly that would still be as relevant as the original or if it's like something fun, it would be just as fun! 

2) Interview the five people who know you the best. In your post, please post each interview, as well as a two-three sentence summary of each interview, explaining what your key takeaways are.

Nika is my roommate as well as my mentee from an on campus organization. I would consider her one of my best friends and someone who knows me very well. Our conversation as very casual as we were sitting on the couch at home. She is also in IA. 


Ryan and I have been friends since freshman year here at UF (we are juniors now) he even came with me on a trip to Cancun this past spring break so honestly living together for a week i feel like theres no better way to truly get to know someone. He is very honest and I know the negative things he thinks of me as well as all the positives he had to say.


Jeff is another friend since freshman year of college, we lost touch for about half a year. He is like that friend your really good with but then you both get busy and just never see each other but when you do hang out its like nothing has changed so i feel once again that he is someone who knows my strengths and weaknesses very well. 


EJ and I are not super close, we have been for a majority of our relationship acquaintances. He was another who came and stayed with Ryan and i in Cancun. I would say that our friendship grew into an actual and real one and that he can be classified as someone who knows me very well. 


Charles and I actually met this year and we just became very close very fast. I would say he is honestly another one of my best friends and I know I can always rely on him. 

3) Reflect on the differences. How do you see yourself, and how do others see you? Are there differences in how you assess yourself compared to others? What do you think causes these differences? Do you think your interviewees are correct about you? Finally, going back to your list from part 1, would you make any corrections to the list? How?

I think my perception of myself and the perception others have of me are pretty up to par with everything. I think honestly its because they are my closest friends. I am sure if I ask people who I have only met a couple of times but are "friends" with it would be more superficial. There are some differences in the way things were worded but I agree with a majority of things! I think my interviewees are correct. I would leave my list the same. Like I had mentioned I am very strong willed so if I believe in something and have enough facts to back up my belief I will stick up for it with everything i have . 
