11A – Idea Napkin No. 1

So, please describe the following:
1) You: My name is Miranda, I am from Orlando area. My talents rally consist of being of being much more eloquent in person and having good memory for geography sadly not for math. My skills are I am very good at being trained and completing tasks under said training and excelling in it. I have worked in the same job for a year and a half and one of the best in my office for my work. My aspirations in life are really to create a truly sustainable world where the earth can reach the needs for us currently but also not risk the needs of future generations. Specifically with my original "business" plan of Solar Energy in Florida would be considered a mile stone if that is accomplished by me in some part. But I changed my business plan is now a 
2) What are you offering to customers? I would be offering my customers sustainable beer  that will keep in line with their ethics and morals. i know many women including myself who will not use certain beauty products because they do not come from an ethical background, whether the companies have been involved in scandal or test on animals.This would potentially cater more to men as we haven't seen the change in men to go after sustainable items. 

3) Who are you offering it to?  This "service" would be offered to anyone over the legal age to drink but would be benefiting everyone in retrospect. It will be a partnership with several companies/organizations; water used for the brewing process can be water obtained by NASA that is recycled and FDA approved to be used in food production(water that is recycled thru wastewater treatment is very expensive to get it to drinking FDA approved), whatever the brews are using cereal grains - mainly barley - would be acquired from smaller farms and support the "local" farmer, and the cans and aluminum can be completely recycled from waste and cleansed to FDA standards or re forged (aluminium) to create the shape for a can. It will be completely sustainable for the area in which it is placed. What my customers will all have in common is they like beer, most like a good beer, and some probably want to lessen their ecological footprint. If they don't care about the latter than this is the perfect opportunist to explain it and give them a reason to care.

4) Why do they care?  I kind of answered this in the paragraph above. The reason customers would pay for my beer is, who doesn't like beer? Also not only will it be more affordable than other craft brews or IPAs  and maintain the same great flavor it would be benefiting their neighbor and their city/community. 
5) What are your core competencies? What would set me a part is that I do not have plans to stay local like swamp-head brewery which caters to a good amount of north central Florida, I plan to not just expand my business but gain enough knowledge on how we can do this large scale and make big production companies (BudweiserHeineken, bud light, Coors light, and many others) become more sustainable and practice reduce their ecological footprint. Many of these companies already have a team of environmentalist or conservationists on their payroll, but I think there's a way you can have max production at a smaller scale and increase jobs within the countries borders. I will have a functioning model small scale that will outreach and production large scale. 

I believe these elements can fit into my business concept because thats how the dream is looking. There are a lot of things to be done and acquired to make this production a reality and i am sure with help from those around me it can be a success in smaller amount of time.
