6A – Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Here's what you need to do.
1) Find four opportunities. Two opportunities need to be related to economic trends, and two opportunities need to be related to regulatory changes (which are about to happen or have recently happened). 
2) List each opportunity, one at a time. For each opportunity, describe: (a) where you found it (i.e., what the source of the information was that led you to form the belief in an opportunity), (b), what leads you to believe that this information suggests an opportunity might exist, (c) who do you think is most likely to be the customer with the opportunity (i.e., the prototypical customer), and (d) is the opportunity relatively easy or relatively difficult to exploit, and why do you think so?
3) Why did you see the opportunity? This one might be a little harder to get at. What I'm asking you is: if more than one person can see the same piece of information that you saw, why did you form the belief that an opportunity exists when another individual might not form such a belief. Is there something in your experience, work history, emotions, attitudes, and desires that helped you find this opportunity? Please describe this for each of the four opportunities you have identified. 
Economics Trends:
Baby Boomers Aren't Retiring - A recent Prudential survey showed over half of those aged 45-75 are being forced to delay retirement because of the recession. Even those who can afford to retire will probably keep working in some capacity. The Great Recession left emotional scars. That created a new willingness among many Baby Boomers to keep costs low and incomes high. That means the old idea of playing golf and truly retiring gives way to many forms of semi-retirement.
This means the older generation won't get out of the way for the younger generation. That is making Millennials adapt by giving up the old "career track." They want to earn a living that is meaningful to them. Some use technological innovation
a) I found it https://www.thebalance.com/top-usa-future-economic-trends-3305666 
b) The information presented explains how baby boomers are not leaving the workforce, so the opportunity if for the older generation to continue making money but takes the opportunity of jobs away from Millenials. 
c) Baby Boomers
d) The opportunity for the Baby Boomers is easily exploited I guess because they are already grandfathered in so they can easily maintain those jobs. I think this is true because its the similar how professors are tenured into their jobs I'm sure most jobs wouldn't want to let go a long time hard worker. 
3)  I formed this belief because I have family members who are part of the baby boomer generation and they still work partly because they enjoy it and they have friends at their job but also to have the extra luxury of being able to get nice for their grandkids and do events for the family. 

Interest Rates Are Rising - The Federal Reserve wants to raise the Fed funds rates to its 2 percent goal. That's the Fed's sweet spot. It means inflation is at its 2 percent target, and unemployment is at its natural rate of 4 percent. As long as the economy doesn't look like its falling back into recession, the Fed will keep raising rates. 
That means the cost of loans for everything from furniture and appliances to automobiles to mortgages will rise. It also means savers will earn more on their deposits. 
a) I found this trend on thebalance.com
b)   The information presented here states that interest rates will be on the rise for the next couple of years and I believe this is a great opportunity for people to start using only cash and debit transactions in all purchases even buying a house or a car.
c) I think the most likely customers would be people who don’t want to deal with hiked up interest rates.
d) I think this opportunity will be relatively hard to get people on board with considering so many people rely on credit for everything these days.
3)   I think I am able to see this opportunity because I don’t use credit at all and I don’t really want to at all in my life if I can help it.

1. Tax policy changes

a) https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7671-regulatory-issues-changes.html
b) it says in the article how policy reform has huge implications for businesses of all sizes. the law recamo the US tax code. 
c) everyone
d)I honestly dont know if it can be exploited 

Federal tax policy reform, which narrowly passed in both chambers of Congress, carries huge implications for businesses of all sizes. Not only does the law revamp the U.S. tax code, but many states could potentially change their regulations to better conform with federal policy as well. While many have rushed to judgment either in favor of or against the legislation, the tax code is labyrinthian in nature, and the full effects won't be recognized until implementation is already well underway. Entrepreneurs should keep an eye on developments as the new policy takes effect, and consult with professionals about new opportunities or strategies to pursue.

 Paid sick leave and minimum wage policies at local and state levels

Measures raising the minimum wage or mandating paid sick leave have been gaining popularity throughout the country in municipalities and statehouses. As was the case in 2017, paid leave policies will likely be implemented in a patchwork fashion by localities and states. Paid leave bills were also introduced in Congress, but any that surface this session are unlikely to gain traction in either Republican-led chamber. For entrepreneurs, choosing to offer paid leave benefits represents an attractive incentive when courting talent, but mandatory paid leave policies would likely require additional considerations in planning and budgeting.

b.)The opportunity for people to be able to support themselves and not infect others I the opportunity.
c.) low-income peopled
.)It is diifcult because many ecnomists protest the raising of minumum wages. 

Why did you see the opportunity. This one might be a little harder to get at. What I'm asking you is: if more than one person can see the same piece of information that you saw, why did you form the belief that an opportunity exists when another individual might not form such a belief. Is there something in your experience, work history, emotions, attitudes, and desires that helped you find this opportunity? Please describe this for each of the four opportunities you have identified. 
